Monday, April 29, 2013

7 Tips Oily Hair

You often wash with shampoo. However, within hours your hair already feel dirty and matted. Your hair feels like it has been smeared with Vaseline. Like millions of others, you have oily hair problem.

Healthy hair requires a number of sebum, a type of oils secreted by glands in your scalp. Sebum keeps hair brittle so as not to make it shiny and beautiful. Greasy hair occurs when excessive sebum production.Causes of oily hair is usually congenital (genetic). You have the talent to produce more sebum than the average person. Hormonal changes can also make hair more oily at certain moments. Some women complain of oily hair more at the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle. Most young women have oily hair because androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum.

Although you can not change the genes and hormone control, the following tips can help you manage oily hair:

  1. Use sampo every day. People with oily hair should shampoo every day wear. Hair is dead protein structure. Menyampo hair every day is not going to ruin it.
  2. Use simple shampoo. Most shampoo enriched with various additives and conditioners. People with oily hair requires a shampoo that dissolves oil well. Select the type of special shampoo for oily hair and no extra conditioner. You do not need conditioner.
  3. Use a dry shampoo. Powder dry shampoo help absorb excess oil. Focus on the application of shampoo on the hair roots to absorb oil from the source (the scalp).
  4. Use gentle shampoo. Beware of harsh shampoos containing sulfates can remove moisture as hair, which will trigger the oil glands to produce more oil to reduce dryness. Choose a mild shampoo such as baby shampoo.
  5. Use vinegar or lemon juice. If you have severe oily hair, try the following recipe: Mix two tablespoons of white vinegar or lemon juice to a cup of warm water. Apply the solution to your hair evenly, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
  6. Use shampo until clean. Rinse hair every completed bersampo until completely clean. The rest of the shampoo in the hair will melengketkan dirt and accelerate oil. 
  7. Reduce stimulation of your hair. Combing and play around with your hair can trigger the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Try to hold your hand to touch and not too frequent combing your hair.

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